root@fkzsec:~# rm -rf /system

- U G0t H4xked by ./FkzsecXploit/.. -

- Whoopss, My Fuxk1ng Admin -

look before your eyes, see? system on your security is very low

Patch up the security on the security of this rubbish site, don't let it be like a poor person

- thanks To -

HyperXyclic! - Mikaelz - DamnBoy404 - Miko - Pron3x - Ztyumi_Exploit - VN.Pisces - ./C10X - Ilham

- Greetz -

Leviathan404TeamCyber - Jateng Batang Xploit - Sin Of Cyber - Cyber Alliance
Jawa Timur Exploit - All Anonymous Indonesia

-:| We Are Leviathan404TeamCyberIndonesia, Expect Us - Keamanan adalah tanggung jawab bersama. Satu celah yang diabaikan bisa meruntuhkan seluruh sistem - Security is a shared responsibility. One overlooked loophole can bring down the entire system - Contact Me |:-